Got something to say? This small letter patch is handpainted with a word or phrase of your choice: slogans, band names, song lyrics, or whatever else your heart desires. Now THIS is freedom of speech!
Each small letter patch is about 2″ by 3″, but sizes vary depending the length and format of your text. I encourage sizing up to a medium letter patch if your phrase is long, as lettering will be shrunk down to fit the 2″ by 3″ sizing. The longer the text, the smaller the text.
Most patches will be lettered in my ‘default’ font: spikey, all-capital letters, with overlapping and sharpened lines (images 1-4). I can match simple fonts on request, if provided with a reference image. For especially complicated lettering, please see my design patches.
All patches will be black with white lettering unless otherwise specified.